Classroom Inventory CHECKLIST for Teachers -Back to School and End of the Year

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Administration organization! This unit is broken down into 4 categories to help organize your administrative demands. #1) Teacher Questionnaire to help with the interview process. #2) Teacher Evaluation section to professionally organize, document and address Teacher praises and areas of concern. #3

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Keep track of your classroom supplies and equipment with this specialized Checklist. Classroom Organization made easy! This is a Classroom Inventory Management CHECKLIST template.

By Popular Demand. Many teachers have asked me to make my classroom checklist available for use. so here we go! (PS-I Love it!)

This file contains 4 pages of a Print-and-Go prepared checklist. Each page is created in 8.5 x 11 format, and is saved in a PDF format for easy printing.

Save the files and print and re-use as needed. (Tip: Use at the start of a school year, in the middle and at the end-Comparing the numbers will help you know your needs when ordering materials)

Editable Version-Blank Template

This unit also includes and editable version saved in a PowerPoint File. (You must have Power Point to be able to edit the information.)

The blank list will also be provided as a JPG image to be used in other programs.

All Files are saved in a ZIP file.

The Print-and-Go List are Broken Down into sections, which includes.

(items are listed in each section alphabetically)

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Books and Journals are created by Erin Rigley of The “My Stories” series of themed Educational Books and Journals were developed to inspire language art skills and promote writing techniques in the early learner. (K-6) Children will be their own author and illustrator to their keepsake journals. A great educational resource tool!