2 Contents
- 2.1 Roulette: A Cautionary Tale
- 2.2 Introduction
- 2.3 The Basics in Blood: The Sect Defined
- 2.4 Thin Traceries of Blood: The Clans
- 2.5 From the Beginning: Character Creation
- 2.6 Powers Beyond Understanding: Advanced Disciplines
- 2.7 The Rhythm of Immortality: Tactics and Systems
- 2.8 The City By Night: Building Your Setting
- 2.9 Tales of Imagination and Mystery: Storytelling
- 2.10 Allies, Enemies and Others
- 2.11 Index
Summary [ ]
From the White Wolf catalog:
- All-new material, from Lasombraantitributo anarch fashion tips;
- Expanded Discipline powers, Merits and Flaws and additional tools for creating a Camarilla character;
- The history, rituals, customs and secrets of the largest sect of vampires in the world.
Contents [ ]
Roulette: A Cautionary Tale [ ]
Introduction [ ]
An introduction to the Camarilla, an overview of the book's contents, and a lexicon of terms specific to the Camarilla.
The Basics in Blood: The Sect Defined [ ]
An overview of the Camarilla's past, present and future. Includes the various offices, Traditions and customs of the Sect, as well as its areas of power and weakness.
A Sect perspective on the Camarilla clans, including the six main clans, the Gangrel, and full details for the Gargoyles, Lasombra antitribu and Caitiff.
From the Beginning: Character Creation [ ]
Expansion on the character creation process for Camarilla vampires, included a host of new Trait options.
- Archetypes
- Idealist
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Dabbler
- Scientist
- Talents
- Diplomacy
- Haggling
- Intrigue
- Scrounging
- Search
- Other Possibilities: Artistic Expression, Carousing, Public Speaking, Poetic Expression, Scan, Seduction, Sense Deception and Swimming
- Acrobatics
- Camouflage
- Hunting
- Other Possibilities: Animal Training, Artillery, Blacksmith, Blind Fighting, Boat Handling, Brewing/Distilling, Bribery, Carpentry, Climbing, Cooking, Dancing, Debate, Escapology, Falconry, Fast-Draw, Fast-Talk, First Aid, Fishing, Forgery, Gambling, Game Playing, Gunsmithing, Heavy Weapons, Hypnotism, Jeweler, Journalism, Leatherworking, Lockpicking, Mechanical Repair, Parachuting, Photography, Pickpocket, Police Procedure, Pottery, Psychoanalysis, Scuba, Singing, Skiing, Speed Reading, and Tracking
- Clan Knowledge
- Computer Hacking
- Economics
- History
- Psychology
- Other Possibilities: Accounting, Alchemy, Anthropology, Archaeology, Architecture, Art History, Astrology, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Criminology, Electronics, Engineering, Faerie Lore, Forensics, Geology, Heraldry, Kindred Lore, Literature, Lupine Lore, Mage Lore, Metallurgy, Meteorology, Military Science, Naturalist, Physics, Spirit Lore, Theology, Toxicology and Wyrm Lore
- Physical
- Bruiser (1 pt. Merit)
- Friendly Face (1 pt. Merit)
- Twitch (1 pt. Flaw)
- Dulled Bite (2 pt. Flaw)
- Open Wound (2-4 pt. Flaw)
- Permanent Fangs (3 pt. Flaw)
- Glowing Eyes (3 pt. Flaw)
- Coldly Logical (1 pt. Merit)
- Useful Knowledge (1 pt. Merit)
- Computer Aptitude (2 pt. Merit)
- Precocious (3 pt. Merit)
- Impatient (1 pt. Flaw)
- Unconvinced (1 pt. Flaw)
- Stereotype (2 pt. Flaw)
- Thirst for Innocence (2 pt. Flaw)
- Victim of the Masquerade (2 pt. Flaw)
- Guilt-Wracked (4 pt. Flaw)
- Elysium Regular (1 pt. Merit)
- Former Ghoul (1 pt. Merit)
- Harmless (1 pt. Merit)
- Protégé (1 pt. Merit)
- Rep (1 pt. Merit)
- Sabbat Survivor (1 pt. Merit)
- Boon (1-6 pt. Merit)
- Bullyboy (2 pt. Merit)
- Old Pal (2 pt. Merit)
- Open Road (2 pt. Merit)
- Scholar of Enemies (2 pt. Merit)
- Scholar of Others (2 pt. Merit)
- Sheriff's Friend (2 pt. Merit)
- Domain (2-4 pt. Merit)
- Alternate Identity (3 pt. Merit)
- Friend of the Underground (3 pt. Merit)
- Mole (3 pt. Merit)
- Rising Star (3 pt. Merit)
- Holder of Office (3-5 pt. Merit)
- Clan Friendship (4 pt. Merit)
- Broken Bond (4 pt. Merit)
- Primogen Friendship (4 pt. Merit)
- Harpy (5 pt. Merit)
- Primogen (7 pt. Merit)
- Botched Presentation (1 pt. Flaw)
- Expendable (1 pt. Flaw)
- Incomplete Understanding (1 pt. Flaw)
- New Arrival (1 pt. Flaw)
- New Kid (1 pt. Flaw)
- Recruitment Target (1 pt. Flaw)
- Sympathizer (1 pt. Flaw)
- Bound (2 pt. Flaw)
- Catspaw (2 pt. Flaw)
- Escaped Target (2 pt. Flaw)
- Failure (2 pt. Flaw)
- Masquerade Breaker (2 pt. Flaw)
- Old Flame (2 pt. Flaw)
- Rival Sires (2 pt. Flaw)
- Uppity (2 pt. Flaw)
- Disgrace to the Blood (3 pt. Flaw)
- Former Prince (3 pt. Flaw)
- Hunted Like a Dog (3 pt. Flaw)
- Narc (3 pt. Flaw)
- Sleeping With the Enemy (3 pt. Flaw)
- Clan Enmity (4 pt. Flaw)
- Loathsome Regnant (4 pt. Flaw)
- Overextended (4 pt. Flaw)
- Blood Hunted (4-6 pt. Flaw)
- Laughingstock (5 pt. Flaw)
- Red List (7 pt. Flaw)
- Deceptive Aura (1 pt. Merit)
- Healing Touch (1 pt. Merit)
- Inoffensive to Animals (1 pt. Merit)
- Hidden Diablerie (3 pt. Merit)
- Additional Discipline (5 pt. Merit)
- Cold Breeze (1 pt. Flaw)
- Beacon of the Unholy (2 pt. Flaw)
- Deathsight (2 pt. Flaw)
- Lord of the Flies (2 pt. Flaw)
Powers Beyond Understanding: Advanced Disciplines [ ]
Level 6 and above powers for the Disciplines typical for Camarilla vampires (basically the "classic" vampire powers possessed by the seven main clans), as well as new Thaumaturgy paths and the unique powers of the Gargoyles.
- Disciplines
- Animalism
- Animal Succulence
- Shared Soul
- Species Speech
- Conquer the Beast
- Taunt the Caged Beast
- Unchain the Beast
- Auspex
- Clairvoyance
- Prediction
- Telepathic Communication
- Karmic Sight
- Mirror Reflex
- Psychic Assault
- False Slumber
- Celerity
- Projectile
- Flower of Death
- Zephyr
- Dominate
- Chain the Psyche
- Loyalty
- Obedience
- Mass Manipulation
- Still the Mortal Flesh
- Far Mastery
- Speak Through the Blood
- Fortitude
- Personal Armor
- Shared Strength
- Adamantine
- Obfuscate
- Conceal
- Mind Blank
- Soul Mask
- Cache
- Veil of Blissful Ignorance
- Old Friend
- Create Name
- Potence
- Presence
- Love
- Paralyzing Glance
- Spark of Rage
- Cooperation
- Ironclad Command
- Pulse of the City
- Protean
- Earth Control
- Flesh of Marble
- Restore the Mortal Visage
- Shape of the Beast's Wrath
- Spectral Body
- Purify the Impaled Breast
- Inward Focus
- Thaumaturgy
- Elemental Mastery
- Elemental Strength
- Wooden Tongues
- Animate the Unmoving
- Elemental Form
- Summon Elemental
- The Green Path
- Herbal Wisdom
- Speed the Season's Passing
- Dance of Vines
- Verdant Haven
- Awaken the Forest Giants
- Neptune's Might
- Eyes of the Sea
- Prison of Water
- Blood to Water
- Flowing Wall
- Dehydrate
- The Path of Corruption
- Contradict
- Subvert
- Dissociate
- Addiction
- Dependence
- The Path of Technomancy
- Analyze
- Burnout
- Encrypt/Decrypt
- Remote Access
- Telecommute
- Spirit Manipulation
- Hermetic Sight
- Astral Cant
- Voice of Command
- Entrap Ephemera
- Duality
- Thaumaturgical Countermagic -
- Weather Control
- Fog
- Rain or Snow
- High Winds
- Storm
- Lightning Strike
- Thaumaturgy Rituals
- Level One Rituals
- Bind the Accusing Tongue
- Engaging the Vessel of Transference
- Incantation of the Shepherd
- Purity of Flesh
- Level Two Rituals
- Blood Walk
- Donning the Mask of Shadows
- Warding Circle Versus Ghouls
- Level Three Rituals
- Flesh of Fiery Touch
- Sanguine Assistant
- Shaft of Belated Quiescence
- Ward Versus Lupines
- Level Four Rituals
- Heart of Stone
- Splinter Servant
- Ward Versus Kindred
- Level Five Rituals
- Visceratika
- Skin of the Chameleon
- Scry the Hearthstone
- Bond With the Mountain
- Armor of Terra
- Flow Within the Mountain
- Gargoyle Flight -
- Combination Disciplines
- Elemental Stoicism (Fortitude , Obfuscate )
- Martyr's Resilience (Auspex , Fortitude )
- Unassailable Parry (Auspex , Celerity )
The Rhythm of Immortality: Tactics and Systems [ ]
The ins and outs of regular Camarilla activities.
The City By Night: Building Your Setting [ ]
A guide to building a Camarilla run city, including templates for various Camarilla positions.